
A Command To Return Home

Aug 14, 2017 / Bible Study / 0 COMMENTS

Today’s Scripture
“Come out, my people, flee from Babylon” (Jeremiah 51:45).


Today’s reading is loaded with historical significance for in 597 B.C. occurs the second Babylonian exile where 10,000 people were taken from their homes to a new land!

Isn’t it interesting that amidst the seemingly unthinkable, God tells his people to willingly go into captivity (Jeremiah 38:20)? He also tells them (three times in today and tomorrow’s reading) to return home and to rebuild, which begins to happen seventy years later. For each season of our life, God instructs; and with the changing of those seasons, God desires our cooperation going in and out of those seasons as He has directed. How well do you cooperate with the change each season of your life requires?


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